Sending Mixed Signals
by Sara
(Charlotte, NC USA)
We have dated before in the past and remained friends for two years. He’s changed so much: almost 360.
As soon as we start to get close this time around (dating) he pulls back. One week, he’s super sweet and kind of open, flirty etc. The next week, I can be around him and he will hardly touch me.
He was in a 13 year relationship that he just got out of 3 yrs ago. So he’s only kind of dated around since. I’m not completely sure, but maybe this is why?
Maybe he doesn’t know how to handle happiness in a serious relationship? Or maybe he’s afraid of his own feelings? How do I get him to meet me all the way? I’m not sure if i want to try this relationship thing with him again if all he is interested in is sending mixed signals. Help!