Overseas Flame

Overseas Flame

dating and relationshipsby Meg
(New York)

I was abroad in London recently and I met someone. He hit on me first, and then we flirted back and forth. We even went out to a pub and went Dutch.

He gave me his email and Facebook information, so we could stay in touch. I emailed him the day after I came home (Sunday) and its now Thursday and I’ve heard nothing.

I know he’s working on a couple of different projects right now (he’s a musician and does sound design), but I am paranoid that he is not even interested in being my friend. What should I do?


Our Long Distance Advice for You

You’re not there
by: Stephanie

It’s so hard to keep a guy attracted to you when you live a million miles away and there is no clear time when you’ll ever see each other again.

Why would he just want to be friends when he has all of his friends right there in front of him? You might have a chance to foster a friendship, but that’s really up to what intentions he had for you to begin with.

If he’s interested in communicating, then he’s probably a solid guy. If no, then he was simply out to score with an American girl and really had no other use for you.

If you are able to get things sparked again, there is a great book about long distance relationships that will help you keep things fun and interesting and also keep things moving forward (if he’s worth it).

Don’t be too pushy though. If you want to spark things up again, just leave the message, “Oh my God! You won’t believe what happened to me today! Give me a call/text/email.” and leave it at that. If he gets back, keeps things fun and he’ll remember how cool you are.


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