I’m Over It

I’m Over It

by Carla Guadalupe Becerril Salgado
(Temoaya, Mexico)

dating and relationshipsOkay I am only 16 years old I just broke up the person that I wanted to be with the rest of my life. It hurts mostly because we ended up so bad I told him that I hated him, that I was sorry I ever met him that I was glad that we never got serious. He said he didn’t care. Once, we both thought that we were in love. We wanted to get married and we wanted to have kids later on in our lives but it all crumbled to bits.

This is my story: so my family and I moved back to Mexico in 2008 we were excited at the moment but it didn’t last for me I entered in a new middle school where I met my ex. I was only 12. I had a big crush on him and I found out that he did too. We started dating but he was a year ahead of me so he left me behind when he graduated.

I was very sad but he visited me once in a while. One day just playing around with my friends, I kissed one of them. His brother saw me and told him. We broke up. Yeah, I know that I am a horrible person for doing that.

2 weeks later we got back together. He looked for me and told me that he loved me. I told him that I was so sorry and I truly was. I admit that I messed up but when we started to date again he was a real jerk. He made me do things that I didn’t want to do and got punished for them. This lasted a year or so. I was hearing a lot of things from others; that he was cheating on me, that he didn’t love me anymore, that he didn’t want to be with me. I didn’t care about that because I was blinded by my feelings.

A month before I graduated from jr. high, he broke up with me and I knew he was with someone else. He even took her to my graduation. It was horrible so I cried for months. When I went to high school I still had feelings for him. It sucked. Then he started to try to talk to me. I didn’t want to know anything about him but somehow 4 months later, we got back together. We talked a lot. I was the one who wanted to know how he was and then he said that the second time that we were together it was only to make me pay. I took him back anyway. what an awful decision. I know that was wrong doing that as I write. I realize that leaving him isn’t so bad. He was some cost…

We were great for a while. I only wanted to be by his side and love him. We had so many plans for the future. I was going to finish college and we were going to live together then get married far away from here like in the fairy tales, but I didn’t trust him and that was a problem. We had a lot of fights and it looked as if we didn’t love each other anymore. Two days ago I broke up with him because I finally saw how much he hurt me. At this point, he only treated me like crap. I felt like I was worth less than nothing. Now, I’m over it. I feel better now I know that I was sincere and I know I’ll do great things in life.

If someone reads this they’ll probably think I am crazy; that I only hurt myself. They’ll say that I am too young for this, but I’m not. And I’m glad that at least for once I experienced love true love even if I was the only one that felt it.


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