I am not sure what is really happening

I am not sure what is really happening

by Me

dating and relationshipsI met him in the summer. He is a very handsome Italian and i study here. I was still thinking about my ex so i needed something new. That’s why i decided that i want to have a one night stand.

Who’s better for that than the hot Italian guy that i met the other night?

So that’s how it happened. It was meant to be ONLY sex ONLY one time. But he started calling me. He took me out for a picnic, helped me with my lessons(he is older and graduated the same thing that i was studying). But after only 3 weeks i had to go home. We kept in touch the whole summer(sms-writing,emails). Everything was just fine. Except the fact that he already decided that he is going to Spain for a masters degree. The exact day i came back he left for Holland!

We stayed in touch all the time till xmas when he came home for 3 days and spent the 25th of dec night with me! It was Awesome! The next time we met was in Feb only for few hours and now he is in USA(as part of his masters). He is gonna be there for a while, and we talk on skype.

i don’t know what to think. He told me the last time when he was here and i was freaking out about him going there and sleeping with aussie girls and he hugged me and said “i am not sleeping with aussie girls DON’T WORRY!”

I don’t know what to think now. Is he my boyfriend? What should i do?


Our Dating Advice to You

So you got yourself an Italian…
by: Roberto

Take a deep breath and relax a little bit…

Right now, you are just two people that are digging on each other. Sure, you had sex. That’s not a huge deal. What is a huge deal is that you don’t live anywhere near to each other so you have to change your attitude.

You never really mentioned if you dumped your boyfriend or not so let’s assume you did. It’s probably better anyway…

When trying to get a long distance thing started, it’s important to always be a reminder of how awesome you are. He has no reason to consider you girlfriend material if you are already trying to limit his activities in Australia (or anywhere for that matter).

Be the fun-loving happy girl he met that first night. The longer you can hold onto who that girl was, the more likely this guy will be to enter into an LDR.

Since you met him under cheating circumstances, it’s probably best that you not draw attention to this by mentioning him cheating on you. Avoid that subject altogether.

What you can do is be fun and flirty on the phone, be deep and meaningful by email, and be sexy whenever you text. Why? When he hears your voice, he must be reminded of those moments you have already shared together. Email allows you time to be a bit more deliberate and let it give you two a chance to get to know each other deeper. And texting is just a waste when it comes to long distances; you might think you are being witty and he just might get insulted so only use it for deliberate and obvious things like sex or to tell him you were dreaming about him.

Just don’t push things in any one direction and things might have a good chance for you two!

The Art of Irresistible


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