Days are looking better

Days are looking better

by Gina, 28
(New York)

dating and relationshipsIt sucks to have your heart broken. I dated this guy for a year and he broke up with me because he didn’t see a future with me. I really liked him, I’ve never felt like that about someone else before. I miss him because he was such a great guy.

I always felt like I was lucky to have him, that it was a dream and then I woke up and he was gone. That day when he broke up with me replays in my head, it was awful. He broke my heart in half and I closed our book in that moment and never spoke to him again.

He made me feel beautiful, like I could do anything, be anyone.

Now its been 5 months…and the tears have dried up. I cried everyday on the subway to and from work, that whole hour for 3 months.

I know we’re over and finished, I don’t want to be with him but the pain is there.

I’m waiting for it to be totally gone.

And now…well, I am on my way to being over him.


Our Breakup Advice for You

Go Girl!
by: Samantha

Breakups take the best parts of you away. And I know now it feels like you’ll never love that way again, but you will. It just takes a little time.

In the mean time, it’s time to start being interested again.


That’s right! You’ve gotten through the “wet” stage and learned that you can put eyeliner back on again, so now it’s time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do!

Take some classes. Go on some trips. Discover your world. This breakup is not the end of you, it’s the end of the old, boring you who never followed her dreams and never got anything she really wanted.

Get out there and do something awesome. That train commute can be spent typing away on a laptop for your very own website. Ever thought of Parasailing…?

Whatever it is, it will make you heal faster when you are passionate about something new.

There’s a great book called Heal My Heart that I think you’ll LOVE.

Keep on track and know we’re her to help!


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