Broken Hearted

Broken Hearted

by Sheeelah

Nine years, and what do I have to show? A ring that means nothing and a broken heart.
dating and relationships
High school is where our love began, we were so crazy about each other. Despite ups and downs, we have managed to keep our love going strong (so I thought). Until recently when I found the most devastating proof that my fiance was cheating.

A month ago I found naked pictures of a girl that said “thinkin of you baby” and “no one has seen these yet.” At the time, I thought this broad could be linked to some porn site because the pictures were professional. I chose not to confront him. I think I chose not to because part of me wanted to justify his looking at porn, I didn’t know if that was bad enough to confront over.

Come to find out he has had a facebook for 4 years without my knowledge. I just happened to come across a piece of paper with his email address and password. I logged onto his facebook and found messages from a girl. He gave her his number and apparently they had been talking. When I found out about this I blew up. I brought up the email pictures and the facebook. The emails were more serious than I thought.

This chick was someone he knew through mutual friends and they have been talking for 3 months. He swears up and down that he did not do anything physical with her. Part of me wishes that it was just sex, and not anything emotional.

He’s begging for me to forgive him and stay with him. I am so heart broken, I don’t know what to do. I love him still, but I don’t know how I could ever trust him again. I gave him back my engagement ring and said it meant nothing to him, so I didn’t want it. I am so lost and sad!! How do people get through this????


Our Infidelity Advice for You

He will always hide things from you
by: Trina

I think if he hides these things from you that he said that he loved you, I’m sure he has many other things that he hidden from you. You only found these.

If he really loves you, he must control himself for your love. I don’t think that he cheated on you for a long time. He will be honest again and want to be honest with you. If yes, he must tell you all those things that he has hidden.

He cheated on you for more than 4 years? Then how can you be sure of him in future if you forgive him? He thinks that if you forgive him, he can continue again but this time he knows how to do those things so that you don’t find anything. He had 9 years to show you a real love, but when he hid things, in future he will try again. I hope that I could tell my meaning to you, and I hope that I don’t make you unhappy with my comment.

Think right with open eyes on the truth.


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