Is He Into Me?

Is He Into Me?

by KatKatSparks

dating and relationshipsMy long time friend who is male recently divorced and moved in with roommates. He sort of always had this school boy crush on me.
My friend had an after party and I went… met his roommate. Instant attraction.

We kissed.

First time in my life that I kiss a total stranger. Never done it and I’m soooo not the type of girl who does these sort of things. We kissed or made out like high schoolers for about 20 minutes. Loved every minute of it. He told me all about his family. Places he’s lived. Interests, life, and every single detail… he also volunteered to cook for me.

He asked me to stay (of course) but being the good girl that I am I left. Never gave him my number… and I sort of told him I was dating someone casually which I was.

Fast forward to 2 weeks… I invite him out to the movies. Things with the person I was “casually” seeing didn’t work out, mainly because of the stranger kisser…

He told me he was going out of town. I was left hanging. Bummer.
Fast forward a week… he invites me out to a very mellow/quiet bar. I show up don’t see him and take off. Again, we didn’t exchange numbers so… we wrote each other emails regarding our missed encounter.
Fast forward two weeks… I meet up with his roommate (my long time friend) we hang out and I of course see him. I act casual. nonchalant… whatev…

Fast forward to yesterday: I get an invite to a chili cook-out at his house.

  1. Does he like me?
  2. Is he into me?
  3. Is it too complicated?
  4. Is it worth all this trouble?
  5. Shouldn’t he more assertive?


Our Dating Advice to You

Guys Can’t Hide Their Interest
by: Sarah

From everything I know, men aren’t very subtle creatures. They don’t hide their interest. They don’t spend hours interpreting the nuances of social interactions. And when they see something the really want, they will crawl over their own mother to get at it.

This guy’s half-assed attempt at wooing you is a great window into how the rest of your relationship will go. He’s going to be this aloof ALWAYS. If that’s cool with you, go for it. If, however, you want a guy who’s passionate about you, then keep searching. He’s out there.


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