He Won’t Ask Me Out
by veelee711
There is a guy who flirts with me endlessly, calls me, but he won’t ask me out. He said he was not at a place in his life for a relationship and I was too good of a girl for anything other than that. But I’m really into him – what do I do?
He is a regular at the bar I work at on Friday and Saturday night. Do I stay cool and keep up the flirtation or shut him down so he knows I’m not playing games? What can I do if he won’t ask me out?
Our Dating Advice to You
Sticky Situation
This is a sticky situation to be in. You work there. He’s a customer. It puts you in a difficult situation if you are “hitting on the customers.”
I’m sure that’s not really that big of a deal at your work, but the situation is still there. In fact, he probably thinks you are off limits because sometimes it feel creepy to hit on people where they work.
If you really want to pursue him, you need to make all the first moves, but still make him think that he did all the work.
Sound hard? Check out the article on how to get him to ask you out.