Dealing With a Stalker

Dealing With a Stalker

dating and relationshipsby tbsmilin
(Los Angeles)

This guy has been wanting a relationship with me. I told him I’m not in that same place. He pushes and intrudes his way in and is constantly doing nice things for me.

But he lies.

I Quit talking to him and he calls my girlfriends saying how worried he is about me, If he can’t get ahold to me he will call and ask them to give me some kind of message. He even went to one girlfriends church and asked them to pray for me. When he screw up and lies or something I find offending he will call and ask them what can he do?

What is his deal? Is he a sicko, nosey, keeping tabs, trying to gain the trust of my girlfriends? They think he is weird. What does that say about him? I need help dealing with a stalker!


Walk away from this guy
by: Roberto

This is the way supposedly “nice guys” weasel their way into your life. It seems innocent enough and sometimes it actually does work for him. But do you want a guy in your life that had to crawl in under the fence to capture your heart?

Pick a man who captivates you from the very beginning. Choose a man whom you feel drawn to. Don’t go for the guy who insinuated himself deep enough into your life that you one day woke up next to him.

Check out this article on the qualities of the perfect man and see how your stalker stacks up.


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